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Learning To Love Being Active: A Guide

Being active and keeping fit is essential to good health, and the more you enjoy being up and about and shaking your stuff, then the more likely you are to engage in healthy physical activity regularly. This is key, as you’ve got to love what you do so that you want to return time and time again. 

Being active is fantastic for both your physical and mental health, and studies have shown that taking part in at least thirty minutes of moderate exercise each day can reduce your risk of developing diseases like Type 2 diabetes, cancer, and cardiovascular disease. Being fit and healthy can vastly improve your quality of life, keep you supple, focused, and happy. 

Keeping active is easy once you lock into a sport or activity you love, so read on to find out how you can learn to love what you do and do it more for the sake of your health.

Get Inspired 
If you’ve long been telling yourself you want to improve your fitness levels, maintain a healthy weight, or to just enjoy the “doing” more in life, then you’re halfway there already. The drive to incorporate more physical activity in your life has to come from you, so get inspired and remind yourself why you want to improve each day, or whenever your motivation to get up and go dips.

Find some of the most supportive and stylish gym wear you can, through the likes of Highku Apparel, and feel inspired and confident to attend yoga or Pilates classes, to get to the gym, to play team sports with your friends, or just to pack arucksack and take yourself off hiking for the day. 

Why Do You Need To? 
Never underestimate the power and influence of physical activity and getting the blood pumping around your body. Instead of sitting and watching the tv from the sofa, you should put on your trainers, and get up from your seat. It’s been reported that adults who watch at least four hours of television each day (thus are stationary), and 80% more likely to develop cardiovascular disease. Since this is one of the biggest killers throughout the world, it’s important to draw your attention to this find. Keeping active can also: 

• Lower your blood pressure
• Boost your levels of good cholesterol 
• Maintain a healthy weight 
• Prevent bone loss – that can lead to osteoporosis 
• Helps you to manage stress 
• Improves self-confidence

Of course, there are many more benefits of regular exercise, and you’ll probably discover them when you begin to work out more and begin to love being active. 

Try Out As Many Sports As You Can 
It’s up to you to find out what you love, and what you don’t. So, try taster sessions of as many sports as you possibly can and see if you can get a feel for them early on. In order to learn to love being active, you will need to try your best to finesse your skills, to integrate with the rest of the team, and regularly attend training sessions and matches
