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Preparing Your Holiday Linens, Carpets and Upholstery with Biz Powder

The holidays are here and it is time to pull all of the beautiful linens and lace table cloths and chair covers out for your guests.

I like to give my table cloth and lace overlay a wash before putting them on the dining room table.  They have been sitting in a box for a year, so I want them to look and smell their best.

After the holiday meals, you will want to pre treat those wine, gravy and grease stains.

Here is a guide for helping to keep your linens and lace looking their best for the holidays:


Check out this video and see how Biz helps clean vintage linens

During the holidays, a lot of family and friends will be coming into your home.  There is sure to be some stains on your carpets from muddy shoes or spilled food or drinks.  Stains may occur on your upholstery as well.

Did you know that Biz powder can help with Carpet and upholstery stains? (Be sure to do a color check first)

Now that you have Biz powder on your side, you are ready to tackle the tough stains in your home.

Remember, Biz isn't just for laundry!

Learn more about Biz Stain Fighter by visiting or follow Biz on Social Media 

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter @bizstainfighter
Pinterest: @laundrybybiz

Disclosure:  I am posting this as a Biz Ambassador.


  1. I've used Biz over the years, but I never thought of using it on the carpet. I'll give it a try.

  2. I have never heard of this brand but it seems like it would clean tee shirts from sweat stains.


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