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3 Simple Tips to Make Organizing Your Small Space a Breeze

This month I am making it my goal to bring you as many organizing tips as I can muster up around the internet.

Today's tips are recommended by Paloma Bailliean LA-based certified coach and professional organizer on 5miles who suggests taking inventory of what you own and getting rid of (or selling) what you haven't used or worn in the last year.  

Here are 3 simple yet genius tips from Paloma Baillie to help you get more organized in 2019, especially if you live in smaller living spaces.

Over-the-door organizers: An over-the-door organizer has a variety of clear pockets where you can store, for example, jewelry and make-up, sorting by type – pencils, lipsticks, brushes and eyeshadows. Everything is laid out, so you have easy access and can see items more clearly. (You can do a similar thing with office supplies if you don’t have room for a desk.

Vacuum-seal bags: As linen or other closet space is a luxury for some, when you don’t need blankets, flatten them in a vacuum storage bag and slide it under the bed (same thing for sweaters). Limit yourself to two sets of bedding to alternate and maximize storage space for clothing.

Under-the-bed or rollaway storage: You can use plastic containers with locking lids to store off-season fashion (gloves, beanies, bathing suits, beach wraps, etc.). Create a box for bathroom supplies you don’t use every day to create or conserve space. When you’re done, cover it all with a cute bed skirt.
