Valentine's Day is only 3 weeks away and I wanted to remind you not to forget your pets! They bring unconditional love and deserve a little something special too!
There are a lot of great products on the market for pets, especially dogs. Just be sure to do a little research before making big purchases. Sites like Dog Product Picker can help you make an educated purchase decision.
So, what kind of gifts are good ideas for your pet?
Dogs love toys and many of them can chew through them in a day. Be sue to check and see which types of toys are best for your pup before making a purchase. Buying a cheap toy isn't always an educated purchase, especially if you have to replace it right away. Invest in a more durable product or check out the toy reviews on the Dog Product Picker.
Cats love toys too. Look for toys that don't have small pieces they can choke on. If your pet is special needs, like my blind kitty, look for ones that would be suitable for them
It's cold outside, at least here in the Northeast it is. Why not invest in a cute sweater or jacket for your best friend? Most sweaters are made to easily wear and can be sized by measuring their torso and back length.
Dogs and cats both love to cuddle up in blankets just as much as people do. They are great for throwing on the couch, car seat or bed when your buddy wants to sit close by. Look for a strong and durable blanket
Cooling pads
Some dogs, like English Bulldogs, tend to over heat easily. A nice cooling pad makes a thoughtful gift and is perfect for when the weather gets warmer.
Grooming Brushes
Dogs love to be pampered and a nice grooming brush is the perfect pampering gift.
Spa Day
Did you know they have dog spas? Well they do! Do a search in your area and you will be surprised to see how many are around. Give your pet a spa day of relaxation and while they are there, get one for yourself.
A nice healthy dog treat is an inexpensive and easy way to say I love you to your furry friends this Valentine's day. Pick a treat that is best for their breed and full of nutritious ingredients.
Be sure to check out for their great assortment of everything pet related!
I usually do get something special for our pets for Valentines Day. I buy or make food treats for everyone human and animal.