On September 22, 1994, the first episode of Friends aired on NBC, and since then, the series, characters, and its infamous taglines have become a global phenomenon. After 236 episodes and its ten season run on-air, the beloved series went into syndication episodes on several networks, and in 2015 Netflix acquired the exclusive rights to stream the original broadcast episodes, eventually becoming one of the most-watched shows on the platform, until the close of 2019!
So where have your “Friends” been, now that it is 2020? According to Ross and Rachel, “We Were On A BREAK!” from streaming – but have no fear, you can still get all of your favorite original episodes commercial-free on Digital, Blu-ray, and DVD today! All individual seasons and compilation sets of Friends are available to purchase here: www.OwnFriendsTV.com. All seasons are also available to own at all major digital retailers, including Amazon Prime. DVD and Blu-ray sets can be purchased from all major retailers, including Amazon.
This collector’s set is for the ultimate fan and features over 110 hours of content – including all 236 original broadcast episodes, plus 20 hours of special features. All ten seasons have been completely remastered in stunning 1080p high definition video with a 16×9 widescreen format and 5.1 audio. The Friends: The Complete Series Blu-ray box set is presented in highly collectible packaging consisting of a lenticular box cover, a hard-cover book that holds 21 Blu-ray discs, plus a 32-page episode guide!
Friends Giveaway
1 Winner will receive Friends: The Complete Series on Blu-ray. (RV $190). See below for terms and conditions. Open to U.S. residents of the 48 contiguous United States. You must be 18 years old to enter to win. This giveaway ends at 11:59 PM EST on 4.15.20
UPDATE: I was just informed that the shipping warehouse has shut down during this time and a reopening date has not been given. However, digital codes are available soon after the giveaway ends. It will be up to you if you prefer to wait or be given a digital code.
April Showers Hop
All entries will be verified. Only one entrant per mailing address per giveaway. If you have won the same prize on another blog, you will not be eligible to win it again. Any person who has won a prize (or whose household has won a prize) in any promotion sponsored by Sponsor in the thirty (30) days before this contest start date is not eligible to win a prize in this contest. Entrants who have created social accounts purely for the purpose of entering Competitions or Sweepstakes will not be eligible to win. All social accounts used must be public.
The winner will be chosen randomly through Giveaway Tools and contacted via email. A reply to the winning email is required within 48 hours before a new winner is chosen. Void where prohibited by law. One person entering per household, please. The Review Wire, Chatty Patty’s Place, and Tabby’s Pantry are not responsible for shipment of prize
I miss being able to stream an episode or two when in the mood :)
ReplyDeleteI love Rachel!! I love her attitude and her style. She's awesome :)
ReplyDeleteI have love/hate relationships with each character. They definitely each have their individual flaws, but they each also have so many laughable and memorable moments.