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Does Platelet-Rich Plasma Work for Hair Loss?


Photo by Akwice from Pexels

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a treatment that can be used to accelerate healing in different areas of the body. It may also be effective in restoring hair growth, and is becoming a more popular treatment option for patients who are suffering from androgenetic alopecia, a condition that causes the hair follicles to shrink and is known as male pattern baldness in men. While PRP is a relatively new way of dealing with hair loss, there is growing scientific evidence to suggest that it is a successful treatment choice. 

What is PRP?

To get a solid understanding of how PRP works, it’s important to know the role of platelets in the healing process. Platelets are a main component in our blood along with the white and red blood cells. When you cut or injure yourself, the platelets are the ‘first responders’ in the body that arrive at the site to stop the bleeding. The idea behind PRP is to extract and isolate these platelets and inject them directly into damaged areas of the body to speed up the healing process. 

Is PRP Effective for Hair Loss?

A review conducted in 2019 focused on eleven research papers including 262 trial participants with androgenetic alopecia. Most of the studies found that PRP injections successfully reduced hair loss in the participants, increasing the density of hair regrowth and the diameter of the hairs. Another review that focused on nineteen studies with a total of 460 participants found similar results, with most studies reporting that PRP was effective in promoting hair regrowth in people with both androgenetic alopecia and alopecia areata. 

What to Expect from the Procedure?

The platelet rich plasma therapy procedure starts with having a sample of your blood collected by a medical professional. The blood is then placed into a centrifuge to separate it into different layers, one of which is the PRP. Platelets will be extracted using a syringe, which is then injected or topically applied to targeted areas of the scalp. You can usually expect the process to last for around one hour, and in some cases, you may need to return for multiple sessions. Most people are able to return to regular activities quickly after receiving PFP treatment, although you may experience some discomfort and swelling at the affected area, which can be reduced by applying ice for short periods of time. 

Are There Any Side Effects?

Since the PRP consists of platelets from your own blood, there’s little to no risk of you having a reaction to the PRP itself. However, there is a small risk of some complications or side effects after undergoing PFP treatment for hair loss. These include pain and discomfort at the site of the injection, swelling and tenderness in the scalp, temporary bleeding at the injection site, and itching. In most cases, these side effects are not serious and will go away on their own after a few days. 

Research has found that PRP can be an effective treatment for promoting healthy hair regrowth.


  1. This is interesting still not sure I totally understand it. I guess if there was a chance to grow your hair back people would be interested. Want to do a little more reading on it

  2. This is really interesting. Thanks for sharing!

  3. That's news to me. Luckily I don't need it.


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