Here’s a fun water game for the entire family! Skimbe is a game involving a a disc that is designed to glide across any water surface. I like to think of it as a water frisbee. It can be tossed to another person across the water surface, or you can play it with its “pin”. The pin sits in the water and players toss the Skimbe disc toward it. Whoever gets closest to the pin wins that round.
Learn More:
- SkimBe slides, skips and jumps on any water surface. Slide the disc firmly across the water and watch the patented rocker bottom take over as SkimBe glides across the water effortlessly.
- SkimBe has an easy to handle thumb grip and glides across all kinds of different wet surfaces, in the rain or even the snow. #wheredoyouskimbe
- Discs are constructed of high quality, closed cell polyurethane foam that has excellent durability, resists microbes and has a smooth surface that is easy to clean. Pin is made from tear resistant vinyl and is child safety approved.
- 10" disc, weighs 12 oz
How to throw a SkimBe - Place four fingers under the disc and thumb in the accessible grove and using a back hand tennis style motion or a forehand rock skipping motion, slide SkimBe across any wet surface. #wheredoyouskimbe
For winter time fun, SkimBe can also be used on ice and snow!
Thank you for reviewing our toys! They are fun for all and a year round toy. Designed for the water, its patented rocker bottom allows it to skim across the snow and ice too! We've even played with it at the park with some soft bowling pins and inside on the carpet goofing around. Have fun! and show us #howdoyouskimbe #wheredoyouskimbe