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Billy Balloon is Sure to Be A Favorite Read for Children


Meet Billy Balloon, your family’s new favorite children’s book character!

The debut title in the new series, BillyBalloon [978-1-6624-6918-3 (paperback, $14.95); 978-1-6624-6920-6 (hardcover, $24.95); Page Publishing; March 2023], by author Jack Payton will inspire curiosity for both parents and young readers alike.

Billy Balloon was born in a little balloon factory on a little hill with hundreds of his brothers, sisters, and friends. The balloons are getting ready for the Great Balloon Race, which takes place on the first sunny day of spring. The kids at school write cards to attach to their balloons, with hopes the note is discovered by another child who would become a penpal. The balloon which travels the furthest–as well as the note that receives a response from another kid–will be declared the winner!

This is an adorable book for children and can help build their imagination.  Just think of all of the places Billy the Balloon can adventure off to. I love this book and am looking forward to more adventure for Billy the Balloon and seeing where he travels and who he meets.

About the Author 

Payton, now a father himself, created Billy Balloon when he was in the fourth grade for a class assignment. “The story stayed with me ever since,” he said. “I'd revisit it and think about publishing it, but it never went very far. During the pandemic, I started to think of Billy again. With the help and support of my family, I was ready to launch this book into the world.”

Through the Billy Balloon website, families and readers of all ages are invited to submit ideas for future books and storylines in the series. If your idea is selected by Payton, you will be compensated with a percentage of royalties earned from the profits of that book.

“It's an invitation to readers to co-author additional books in the series, which makes it unique and special,” Payton said. “Imagine Curious George or Thomas the Train, but instead of all the books being written by the same author, the books in my series will be co-authored by me and readers from around the world.”

Billy Balloon by Jack Payton
Page Publishing
All Formats; March 2023
ISBN: 978-1-6624-6918-3 (paperback);  978-1-6624-6920-6 (hardcover)
$14.95 (pb); $24.95 (hc); 8 x 10; 38 pages; Ages 0-6

About the Author
Jack Payton wrote Billy Balloon during a writing exercise in fourth grade. This incredible story of adventure stayed with him throughout his life. Now, after many years, an amazing marriage, and two wonderful kids, he wanted to share the adventure with others. He isn’t done with just this one book. There are more adventures to go on together. Jack became Adoshable and invites readers to be the same. Learn more at and follow his adventures (@billyballoonadventures) on Instagram and Facebook.
